Campus Safety Bulletin

Crime happens. Even on the safest campus. Capital University takes safety seriously. And we believe that keeping yourself informed about possible safety issues on or near campus is one of the best things you can do to help keep yourself safe. That's why we created the Campus Safety Bulletin. Anytime something happens on or near campus that we think is cause for concern, we'll post it here. We hope this information, as well as our safety tips, helps you make safe choices and helps keep Capital safe for everyone.

Anyone with information warranting the timely warning of a crime should report the situation to Public Safety at (614) 236-6666. 


TO: Bexley Campus Community
FROM: Deanna Wagner, Associate Provost
DATE: November 2, 2024
RE: Follow-up to Police Incident in Schaaf Hall

Earlier today, information was sent regarding a person entering Schaaf Hall with what appeared to be a gun. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the person had a cell phone, not a weapon, but was holding it in such a manner that made it look like a gun.

The suspect was questioned and charged by Bexley Police with inciting panic.

Because we understand this was a scary situation and could be triggering, the following resources are available to help you:

  • Students: Connect with your Resident Assistant (if living on campus) or contact our after-hours counseling team directly at 855-795-4576.
  • Tomorrow, Sunday, November 3, from 11a.m. to 1 p.m., Meredith Fine, counselor in the Center for Health and Wellness, along with campus facility dog Archer, will be in Schaaf Hall lobby to talk with students.
  • If you need ongoing support from the Center for Health and Wellness or through Pastoral Care, please utilize the contact information below.

Please reach out to our Student Success team at if you have any questions or need additional resources.

Incident Date: September 16, 2024 
Incident Time: Approximately 3:00 p.m.
Incident Location: Pleasant Ridge and Mound Street
Incident Type: Suspicious vehicle

This notice is being issued because a crime has been reported that is considered to be of concern and/or a continuing threat to the Capital community.

The purpose of this message is to heighten your safety awareness by providing our community members with information necessary to take appropriate precautions, enable you to take actions to help increase your safety, and aid in the prevention of similar crimes.

On September 16, 2024, at approximately 3:00 p.m., Bexley Police responded to a call to assist a disabled vehicle parked in the intersection of Pleasant Ridge Avenue and Mound Street. When Bexley Police approached the car, it left the scene at a high rate of speed through several neighborhoods before being stopped by Bexley and Capital police at Nelson Road and Fifth Avenue. Police found two individuals inside the vehicle, where they discovered a gun, drugs, and several stolen license plates. The passenger was a Capital student and an acquaintance of the driver. The male driver was arrested on felony charges, including failure to comply, improper handling of a firearm, and possession of stolen license plates. He was taken to the Franklin County jail. The passenger was released without charges. No one was injured during the incident.

We all play a role in keeping our communities safe. Stay alert and say something when you see something suspicious. 

Remember: Factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity are not suspicious. For that reason, the public should report only suspicious behavior and situations to authorities (e.g., an unattended backpack in a public place, or someone trying to break into a restricted area, or disorderly/threatening conduct) rather than one’s appearance, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, expressions, associations, or speech unrelated to criminal activity.

Report any suspicious activity on or near university property to Capital University police at 614-236-6666.

This Public Safety Notice is issued in compliance with the "Timely Warning" provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. 34 CFR 668.46(e).

Incident Date: Sept. 14, 2023
Incident Time: Between 2 a.m. and 10:50 a.m.
Incident Location: Capital Commons Apartments, 578 Park Ave.
Incident Type: Vehicle theft

This notice is being issued because a crime has been reported that is considered to be of concern and/or a continuing threat to the Capital community.

The purpose of this message is to heighten your safety awareness by providing our community members with information necessary to take appropriate precautions, enable you to take actions to help increase your safety, and aid in the prevention of similar crimes.

A red Kia Soul was reported stolen from the Capital Commons Apartments between 2 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. today, Thursday, Sept. 14. The car was recovered mid-morning by Columbus Police.

Video from surveillance cameras shows two suspects in a maroon, four-door Chevy (possibly a Malibu) with Pennsylvania license plates leaving the Capital Commons area at 2:26 a.m. and heading west on Main Street.

Over the last two years, thieves have targeted Kia cars for thefts around Central Ohio, including vehicles on Capital's campus. This follows similar thefts of Kias and Hyundais in cities around the country. Kia and Hyundai cars that use physical keys are easy to steal because they lack an anti-theft device and can be started without a key. The thefts occur in broad daylight and are done in less than three minutes.

Here are some things you can do to help prevent this crime:

  • It is recommended that Kia and Hyundai owners purchase a steering wheel lock, such as The Club, to prevent theft. These are available on Amazon and at local auto stores for less than $50.
  • Consider installing a car alarm system.

Please report any suspicious activity to Capital University police at 614-236-6666.

This Public Safety Notice is issued in compliance with the “Timely Warning” provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. 34 CFR 668.46(e)

Incident Date: Sept. 11, 2023
Incident Time: Approximately 3:55 a.m.
Incident Location: Schaff Residence Hall
Incident Type: Burglary

This notice is being issued because a crime has been reported that is considered to be of concern and/or a continuing threat to the Capital community.

The purpose of this message is to heighten your safety awareness by providing our community members with information necessary to take appropriate precautions, enable you to take actions to help increase your safety, and aid in the prevention of similar crimes.

At approximately 3:55 a.m., Capital’s Public Safety department noted unusual activity on camera monitors for Schaff Hall and responded to the location. The individuals left the scene in a car, Bexley Police was notified, and five individuals were arrested one block from campus on Francis Avenue when their car broke down. The interior southwest and exterior northwest doors of Schaff were damaged.

Two individuals were not arrested, were not observed returning, and remain at-large. The missing individuals are in the photo below. Both are young adult males of medium complexion: one is wearing a dark Nike hoodie, jeans, and white tennis shoes; the other is wearing a black jacket with white wording/logo, jeans, and tennis shoes. 

If you see these individuals, call Capital Public Safety immediately at 614-236-6666.

We remind you of the following safety tips:

  • Always be alert and aware of your surroundings.
  • For the security of yourself and others, do not allow access to a building by anyone other than those who are supposed to have it.
  • Never use your ID, building access card, key, or any other means to let someone in a locked door or secured area unless you know who they are and that they are authorized to enter.
  • If you have an intuitive feeling that something is wrong, trust your instincts. React immediately and take action to reduce your risk. Many individuals suppress these feelings because they fear their response will offend someone. React to your instincts; don’t worry about someone else’s feelings. If someone approaches you and you feel uncomfortable, move or ask for assistance.
  • Call the police immediately about all suspicious activity. Don’t worry about “bothering” us because this is what we are here for; your actions can help others from becoming victims.

Please report any suspicious activity to Capital University police at 614-236-6666.

This Public Safety Notice is issued in compliance with the “Timely Warning” provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. 34 CFR 668.46(e)

Incident Date: Jan. 12, 2023
Location: Saylor-Ackermann
Incident Type: Burglary

This notice is being issued because a crime has been reported that is considered to be of concern and/or a continuing threat to the Capital community. The purpose of this message is to heighten your safety awareness by providing our community members with information necessary to take appropriate precautions, enable you to take actions to help increase your safety, and to aid in the prevention of similar crimes.

A little after 12 a.m. today, Thursday, Jan. 12, Bexley Police responded to a report of a suspicious person in the area, which led to the discovery of a burglary on campus. A male suspect entered the basement of Saylor-Ackermann Hall through an unlocked window. Surveillance camera video shows him proceeding to Capital Grounds, where he stole a bottle of coffee syrup. The suspect has not been apprehended and the investigation is continuing.

Crime Prevention Tips

  • Make sure all doors and windows are locked, particularly at night.
  • Be alert to possible crimes and report any suspicious activity.
  • Respect and ensure the integrity of the security card access system, and do not prop doors open.
  • Lock the door to your residence hall room, whether you’re inside sleeping or leaving for only a few seconds.
  • Keep money and valuables in a safe place, out of sight.
  • Report broken locks, doors, windows, or lights.
  • Lock your car, park under a light, and keep valuables in the trunk or out of view.

Call Capital Police at 614-236-6666 to report suspicious activity or if you observe a crime.

This Public Safety Notice is issued in compliance with the "Timely Warning" provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. 34 CFR 668.46(e).

Incident Time: Approximately 7 a.m.
Incident Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Location: Sheridan Ave.
Incident Type: Burglary

A little after 7 a.m. today, Tuesday, Dec. 13, a Capital student reported a burglary in progress in the 700 block of Sheridan Ave. Capital Police responded immediately and, working alongside Bexley Police, located the suspect in the front of the Capital Commons parking lot. The suspect, who was known to both Capital and Bexley police, was transported to the Franklin County Jail. No one was harmed.

The suspect possessed multiple credit cards and Capital I.D.s. Students should check their belongings and report any missing items to Capital Police at 614-236-6666.

Crime Prevention Tips

  • Be alert to possible crimes and report any suspicious activity.  
  • Respect and ensure the integrity of the security card access system, and do not prop doors open.
  • Lock the door to your residence hall room, whether you’re inside sleeping or leaving for only a few seconds. 
  • Lock all doors and windows when you leave your home.
  • Keep money and valuables in a safe place, out of sight.  
  • Avoid leaving a note on your door that says you are not in.  
  • Report broken locks, doors, windows, or lights.  
  • Lock your car, park under a light, and keep valuables in the trunk or out of view. 
  • Do not approach a possible suspect.

Call Capital Police at 614-236-6666 to report suspicious activity or if you observe a crime.

Incident Date: October 15, 2022
Incident Type: Sexual Assault

This notice is being issued because a crime has been reported that is considered to be of concern and/or a continuing threat to the Capital community.

The purpose of this message is to heighten your safety awareness by providing our community members with information necessary to take appropriate precautions, enable you to take actions to help increase your safety, and to aid in the prevention of similar crimes.

On Oct. 15, 2022, a Capital University student reported being sexually assaulted by a male acquaintance who was visiting her in a residence hall. The suspect is not a Capital student. Bexley Police are investigating the complaint.

Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a kind of sex discrimination and is prohibited by Title IX and by Capital University. Capital is committed to responding promptly and effectively when it learns of any form of possible discrimination based on sex. The University responds to reports of sexual harassment, including sexual violence, as part of its efforts to stop the harassment and prevent its recurrence of possible sex discrimination.

Learn more about your rights under Title IX, on-campus and community resources for victims of sexual assault or harassment, at

Click here for a Quick guide to Reporting Options, Supportive Measures, and Community Resources (PDF).

Call Capital Police at 614-236-6666 to report suspicious activity or if you observe a crime.

This Public Safety Notice is issued in compliance with the "Timely Warning" provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. 34 CFR 668.46(e)

Incident Time: 4:15 p.m.
Date of Report: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Location: S4 and S1/S2 Parking Lots
Incident Type: Car Theft and Attempted Car Theft

Capital Police apprehended a 13-year-old female Wednesday afternoon for motor vehicle theft, possession of criminal tools, and causing damage to a vehicle. A Capital employee witnessed the juvenile sitting inside her car. When the witness questioned her, the girl fled. A few minutes later, Capital Police detained a juvenile walking south on Pleasant Ridge who fit the description of the suspect. The suspect admitted to having broken into four cars in Capital parking lots and had stolen two of them. The stolen cars have not been recovered. Two of the cars were Hyundais. The suspect , who was positively identified by the eyewitness, was charged with motor vehicle theft, possession of criminal tools, and damage to a vehicle. She was released to her mother. As these are felony crimes, the Bexley Police department is taking over the case.

Here are some things you can do to help prevent car thefts:

  • It is recommended that Kia and Hyundai owners purchase a steering wheel lock, such as The Club, to prevent theft. These are available on Amazon and at local auto stores for less than $50.
  • Consider installing a car alarm system.

Call Capital Police at 614-236-6666 if you see anything suspicious.

Incident Time: Approximately 9 p.m.
Date of Report: Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Incident Type: Crime Notification – Bexley campus

At approximately 9 p.m. on Wednesday, August 24, two Capital students reported being chased and threatened near Schneider Park and the intersection of Sheridan and Charles avenues, next to the Bexley campus. Several young male juveniles chased the students to their residence on Sheridan and threatened them. One of the boys allegedly had a knife in his hand. The suspects ran from the area before police arrived. Neither Capital student was injured. Bexley Police are investigating the incident.

As the start of the school year brings many new people to campus, Capital’s Public Safety department would like to share these relevant crime prevention and safety tips: 

Pedestrian Safety 

  • Stay alert to your surroundings as you walk and notice who is around you. 
  • Don’t get distracted, and limit phone use while walking.  
  • Avoid secluded or dimly lighted areas. 
  • Try not to walk alone, especially in the dark.  
  • Walk on sidewalks or other designated pedestrian walkways.  
  • If you’re being followed, cross the street, or change directions; try to get a good description of the person. 
  • If you’re still being followed, go to the nearest house or business, and call the police. 
  • Be alert when walking through parking lots and alleyways; drivers’ vision is significantly reduced during early morning and twilight hours.

Download the Rave Guardian App: The app is a virtual mobile safety tool that turns your cell phone into a personal safety device. The app allows you to create a personal alarm system, report crimes, and call for emergency assistance. You can learn more and download the app here: Android Users | iPhone Users

Call Capital Police at 614-236-6666 to report suspicious activity or if you observe a crime.

Incident Time: 3:37 a.m.
Date of Report: Monday, August 15, 2022
Location: Capital University Apartments
Incident Type: Burglary and Theft

In the early morning of Monday, Aug. 15, a male suspect broke into a rear door to Capital University Apartments on the Bexley campus. The Capital Police dispatcher observed the suspect through video surveillance and immediately sent officers to the scene. The suspect gained entry, stole a desktop computer, and fled from officers. Capital Police were able to catch him in the parking lot. The 54-year-old subject was charged with burglary and theft. No students were injured or involved in the incident.

Here are some things you can do to help prevent break-ins and theft:

  • Respect and ensure the integrity of the security card access system, and do not prop doors open.
  • Lock the door to your residence hall room, whether you’re inside sleeping or leaving for only a few seconds.
  • Keep money and valuables in a safe place, out of sight.
  • Avoid leaving a note on your door that says you are not in.
  • Report broken locks, doors, windows, or lights.

Call Capital Police at 614-236-6666 to report suspicious activity. Do not approach a possible suspect.

Incident Time: General Bulletin
Date of Report: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Location: All Campuses
Incident Type: Thefts of Kia and Hyundai

Columbus Police believe they know who the suspects are and have warrants for their arrest. The suspects operate by arriving in a small silver car (possibly a Ford). Two suspects remain in the car while two others gain access to the Kia with a screwdriver or a crowbar on the rear window.

Here are some things you can do to help prevent this crime:

  • It is recommended that Kia and Hyundai owners purchase a steering wheel lock, such as The Club, to prevent theft. These are available on Amazon and at local auto stores for less than $50.
  • Consider installing a car alarm system  

Call Capital Police at 614-236-6666 if you see anything suspicious. Officers have increased their patrols of campus parking lots, particularly the S1 and S2 lots, where the suspects have been seen on camera.

Kia Theft security image Kia Theft security image Kia Theft security image Kia Theft security image

Incident Time: Between midnight and 5 a.m.
Date of Report: Friday, Feb. 11, 2022
Location: S1 and S2 Parking Lots
Incident Type: Thefts of Catalytic Converters

Capital Police are investigating the theft of several catalytic converters stolen in the early morning hours of Feb. 10 and Feb. 11 from vehicles in the S1 and S2 parking lot (east side of Pleasant Ridge Avenue). They have identified the vehicle on surveillance camera footage as a dark SUV, possibly a Ford Taurus or Chevy Tahoe, but have been unable to get a license plate number. The thefts have occurred between midnight and 5 a.m.

Catalytic converter theft security image Catalytic converter theft security image Catalytic converter theft security image

Bexley Police have been alerted and Capital officers are increasing their patrols. If you see a vehicle matching that description, contact Capital Police at 614-236-6666.

Incident Time: 12:17 PM on Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Date of Report: 12:28 PM on Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Location: Capital University Conservatory of Music
Incident Type: Threatening Person

Threatening person security imageWednesday afternoon, Dec. 15, 2021, Capital Police responded to a complaint of an upset male employee of WFF, the University’s housekeeping company, who threatened a shooting at the Conservatory of Music. The suspect was quickly caught near the Student Union, arrested, and transported to the Franklin County jail on three felony charges, including inducing panic, illegal conveyance of a firearm, and illegal transport of a firearm.

No one was hurt, and no additional threats have been received. We did not issue a CapAlert as the incident was immediately resolved.

Out of an abundance of caution, the University will institute its winter break building security protocols a day early. Starting at 5 p.m. today, Dec. 16, all Bexley buildings will go to a single point of access. At 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 17, buildings will be card access only throughout the winter break.

Incident Time: 10:00 AM on Thursday, October 28, 2021
Date of Report: 4:45 PM on Friday, October 29, 2021
Location: Westerville, Ohio
Incident Type: Missing Person

Update: Thursday, October 29, 2021 
We are happy to announce that Columbus Police have located Capital student Rue Ayedefer Tesfaye. She is safe and with family. 

Westerville police are investigating the report of a missing person, and Capital police are assisting since the individual is a commuter student who attends Capital.

At approximately 4:45 p.m. on Friday, October 29, 2021, Capital University police received a report of a missing commuter student, Rue Ayedefer Tesfaye.  The investigation found that Rue left her parents home in Reynoldsburg on Wednesday, and they have not seen her again.  On Thursday, October 28, her parents filed a police report with Westerville police.

The Westerville police report indicates that Rue was last seen leaving St. Ann’s hospital in Westerville (500 S. Cleveland Avenue) at around 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 28.

Rue’s description includes:

  • 20 year old, African American female, 5’3” in height, straight black hair, brown eyes, slight build.
  • Last seen wearing a dark blue, short sleeved t-shirt with a peace sign and flowers on the front and blue jeans with rips on the front.
  • She has a small birthmark on the right side of her face near her ear.
  • She has a small flower tattoo on the top of a finger.

Capital University missing student Capital University missing student

Rue does not have a cell phone or any identification with her. She may be acting erratically.

If you have any information about Rue, please call Capital Police at 614-236-6666.

Incident Time: 12:00 AM 
Date of Report: Sunday, November 8, 2020
Location: Capital Commons Parking Lot
Incident Type: Car Theft and Break-ins

Bexley Police took a report early Sunday morning of a car stolen from the Capital Commons. The subject was an older white male, approximately 5'8'' to 6'8'' tall, beard, jeans, and ball cap. Our cruiser just missed him by seconds.The University has had several car break-ins in the last few weeks, including windows broken out of 13 vehicles Saturday, Nov. 7. Officers will increase parking lot patrols and will work overtime next weekend to attempt to catch this suspect, who seems to come on Friday and Saturday nights.Please call 614-236-6666 to report any suspicious behavior on campus. The information about the stolen car has been entered into the National Crime Information Center so if another agency stops the vehicle, they will know it is stolen.

Car theft security image

Special Address: Capital University Police Department Statement
Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Capital University Police Department is disgusted by what we witnessed in Minneapolis. The police treatment of George Floyd was wrong and unacceptable, and we grieve his death with his family, the nation, and our community.

Our university police department strongly condemns all wrongdoing and injustice. We are always open to dialogue about any issues that affect our university community.

CUPD is a very diverse police department. We strive to communicate and work together with all campus organizations and all parts of the university in order to achieve our goal of providing services that enhance the quality of life on campus and create a safe place to live, learn and work for the entire Capital community.

Over the next few months, CUPD will strive to improve what we do by engaging in additional training, physical restraint training, and community building.

Incident Time: 1:24 pm 
Date of Report: Saturday, May 30, 2020
Location: For Capital University Law School
Incident Type: Civil Unrest

Update: Sunday, May 31, 2020
A CapAlert was issued at 6:02 AM.
All Clear. Immediate threat is over. The Law School campus will remain closed due to damages that need repaired.

The City of Columbus has declared an emergency due to protests in the downtown area. As a result, the University has closed the law school building to all personnel immediately until 8:30 AM tomorrow, Sunday May 31. A security officer will remain inside the building to monitor the situation and report any activity to the Capital Police Department which will also monitor the situation and the building. Columbus expects to close all downtown streets at 6pm today, Saturday, May 30.

Incident Time/Date: Early morning Saturday, Jan. 18, and sometime between late Saturday night and early Sunday morning, Jan. 19
Date of Report: 1:07 am Wednesday, Jan. 20
Location: Capital University residence hall, Bexley campus
Incident Type: Two Reports of Sexual Assault

Update: Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020
At 5:50 pm Wednesday, Jan. 22, a third student reported incidents of non-consensual fondling – one from several months ago and another that occurred on Thursday, Jan. 16. According to the report, the student said she was touched inappropriately by the same student accused in the reports below. All reports have been shared with Bexley Police for further investigation. The student in question has been removed from the residence halls pending the outcome of the investigation. No charges have been filed.

This Timely Warning is being sent to notify the Capital University community of two reported sexual assaults on Capital University’s Bexley campus. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act of 1990 requires a communication to the university community of all crimes reported to campus or local police departments that may pose a threat to the campus community.

At 1:07 am Wednesday, Jan. 22, Capital Police received a report that two Capital students had separately been sexually assaulted on Jan. 18-19 in a residence hall by another Capital student, reported as the same individual in each incident. One incident involved a report of nonconsensual fondling and the other incident involved a report of nonconsensual sexual intercourse. Bexley Police are investigating. No charges have been filed at this time. The specific location is not being listed to protect the identities of the reporting students. These incidents are not related to any previously reported incidents on Capital’s campus.

Sexual assault is any sexual activity that occurs in the absence of consent. Responsibility lies with the perpetrator, not the survivor. No one deserves, asks for, or provokes sexual assault. Sexual assault occurs in all communities and people of all genders can be survivors. If you have information about this or any other campus crime, please contact Public Safety at 614-236-6666.

Capital is deeply committed to ensuring an environment free from all forms of harassment, discrimination, misconduct and assault. The University is committed to responding promptly and effectively when it learns of any form of possible discrimination based on sex, which is prohibited under Title IX of federal law. The University responds to reports of sexual harassment, including sexual violence, as part of its efforts to stop the harassment and prevent its recurrence of possible sex discrimination. Information on Capital’s compliance with Title IX and its policy on Sexual Misconduct is located at

If you have information about any sexual misconduct, including harassment, discrimination or assault, contact the university’s Title IX Coordinator Jennifer Speakman, 614-236-6138.

In addition, the individuals/offices below are recognized by the University as being able to receive confidential reports.

Off‐Campus Confidential Resources for Employees:
Employee Assistance Program – 800-854-1446
(available to benefit‐eligible employees)

On‐Campus Confidential Resources for Students:
Center for Health and Wellness Mental Health Counselor – 614-236-6114
Dean of the Chapel/University Pastor – 614-236-7737

Off‐Campus Confidential Resources for Employees and Students:
SARNCO (Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio) – 614-267-7020
CHOICES 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline – 614-224-4663
Buckeye Region Anti‐Violence Organization (BRAVO) – 614-294-7867
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network, a national hotline connecting callers to the nearest rape crisis line (RAINN) – 800-656-4673

Anonymous Reporting for Employees and Students:
The following resources provide anonymous reporting options. Anonymous reporting may limit the University’s ability to fully investigate and resolve the complaint.

Campus Conduct Hotline (EthicsPoint) – 888-238-1063
Or EthicsPoint reporting website